Welcome to the embroidery shop! Cinci Made Embroidery LLC is ready to run just about any embroidery project you can dream up! From branded employee uniforms to large-scale event and creator merchandise, Cinci Made has got you covered!

Call or Email for a quick quote!

513-227-9458 - CinciMadeEmbroidery@gmail.com

Independent Commercial Embroidery Shop in Cincinnati, Ohio

Woman Owned & Operated

Since the 2021-2022 Super Bowl Season!

Cinci Made Embroidery has worked with the Ben-Gal Cheerleaders and their designer
Kristen Bolt to make visually stunning embroideries for their uniforms for the last four seasons!

Each uniform is designed, cut, embroidered, sewn, and finally each rhinestone
is placed right here in Cincinnati!

Cinci Made Embroidery is extremely proud to be part of the process!

Sew-out of the 2024 Season Embroidery